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If you are interested in any of the following publications but the manuscript is not available on-line or you can not download it, please ask me for a copy (

Published / Publicados

  • Suhani Singh, Michael Suppa, Raúl Suárez and Jan Rosell.
    ``Hybrid Stereo Dense Depth Estimation for Robotic Tasks in Industrial Automation´´
    IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2024), Abu Dhabi, UAE, October 14-18, 2024. (DOI 10.1109/IROS58592.2024.10802129).

  • Dominik Urbaniak, Sebastian Bro Damsgaard, Weifan Zhang, Jan Rosell, Raúl Suárez, Michael Suppa.
    ``Distributed Control for Collaborative Robotic Systems using 5G Edge Computing´´
    IEEE Access, Vol. 12, pp. 148706-148718, 2024, ISSN Print: 2169-3536 Electronic: 2169-3536. [JCR2023: IF 3,4, Q2 (122/352) Engineering, Electrical & Electronics]. (DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2024.3475584).

  • Parikshit Verma, Josep M. Olm, Raúl Suárez, Pol Toldrà.
    ``Improved dynamic resource reservation-based AGV traffic control with optimized task allocation´´
    2024 IEEE 29th International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, ETFA 2024. (DOI 10.1109/ETFA61755.2024.10710993).

  • Morad Shirzadi, Isiah Zaplana, Raúl Suárez.
    ``Analytical approach to reorient unknown objects via in-hand manipulation´´
    2024 IEEE 29th International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, ETFA 2024. (DOI 10.1109/ETFA61755.2024.10711088).
    (Best Work-in-Progress Paper Award - FACTORY AUTOMATION)

  • Pouria Zakariapour, Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda, Raúl Suárez.
    ``Evaluation of grasp quality measures in real grasps´´
    2024 IEEE 29th International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, ETFA 2024. (DOI 10.1109/ETFA61755.2024.10710348).

  • Marina Pujol-Closa, Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda, Raúl Suárez.
    ``Software package for efficient use of a robotic anthropomorphic hand´´
    2024 IEEE 29th International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, ETFA 2024. (DOI 10.1109/ETFA61755.2024.10710748).

  • Parikshit Verma, Josep M. Olm and Raúl Suárez.
    ``Effect of Layout Discretization on the Performance of Zone Control-Based Multi-AGV Traffic Management Systems´´
    Applied Science, 2024, 14(17), 7817, ISSN: 2076-3417 [JCR2023: IF 2,5, Q1 (44/179) Engineering, Multidisciplinary]. (DOI 10.3390/app14177817).

  • Francesco Lo Iudice, Josep M. Olm, Raúl Suárez.
    ``Optimal recharge sequencing in multi-AGV systems: A mixed ILP approach´´
    Computers & Industrial Engineering, Vol. 196, 2024, 110510, ISSN 0360-8352. [JCR2023: IF 6.7, Q1 (20/169) Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications]. (DOI 10.1016/j.cie.2024.110510).

  • Mohammad Sheikhsamad, Raúl Suárez and Jan Rosell.
    ``Learning-Based Planner for Unknown Object Dexterous Manipulation Using ANFIS´´
    Machines, 2024, 12(6),364. EISSN 2075-1702. [JCR2023: IF 2.1, Q2 (82/180) Engineering, Mechanics]. (DOI 10.3390/machines12060364).

  • Arnau Romero, Carmen Delgado, Lanfranco Zanzi, Raúl Suárez, Xavier Costa-Pérez.
    ``Cellular-enabled Collaborative Robots Planning and Operations for Search-and-Rescue Scenarios´´
    2024 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA 2024, 2024, (DOI 10.1109/ICRA57147.2024.10611179).

  • Parikshit Verma, Josep M. Olm and Raúl Suárez.
    ``Traffic Management of Multi-AGV Systems by Improved Dynamic Resource Reservation´´
    IEEE Access, Vol. 12, pp. 19790-19805, 2024, ISSN Print: 2169-3536 Electronic: 2169-3536 [JCR2023: IF 3,4, Q2 (122/352) Engineering, Electrical & Electronics]. (DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2024.3362293).

  • Oriol Ruiz-Celada, Albert Dalmases, Raúl Suárez, Jan Rosell.
    ``BE-AWARE: an ontology-based adaptive robotic manipulation framework´´
    IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, ETFA’2023, 12th-15th September 2023, Sinaia, Romania. (DOI 10.1109/ETFA54631.2023.10275440).

  • Martín Aguilar, Diego Ronquillo, Jan Rosell, Leopold Palomo, Raúl Suárez.
    ``A simple yet smart head module for mobile manipulators´´
    IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, ETFA’2023, 12th-15th September 2023, Sinaia, Romania. (DOI 10.1109/ETFA54631.2023.10275645).

  • Urbaniak, D., Rosell, J., Suárez, R., Suppa, M.
    ``Computación frontera: influencia de latencias en la precisión de robots´´ (Edge computing: influence of latencies on the precision of robots).
    XLIV Jornadas de Automática, Septiembre 6-8, 2023, Zaragoza, España

  • Palomo-Avellaneda, L., Rosell, J., Suárez, R., Zaplana, I.
    ``Método geométrico para la resolución de la cinemática inversa de un manipulador robótico sin muñeca esférica´´ (A geometric approach to solve the inverse kinematics for a robotic manipulator without a spherical wrist).
    XLIV Jornadas de Automática, Septiembre 6-8, 2023, Zaragoza, España

  • Roberto Meattini, Raúl Suárez, Gianluca Palli and Claudio Melchiorri
    ``Human to Robot Hand Motion Mapping Methods: Review and Classification´´
    IEEE Transactions on Robotics , Vol. 39, Issue 2, April 2023, pp. 842-861 (Early Access, Date of Publication: 21 September 2022), ISSN Print: 1552-3098 Electronic: 1941-0468. [JCR2023: IF 9,4, Q1 (4/46) Robotics]. (DOI 10.1109/TRO.2022.3205510).

  • Fernando Urra, Jan Rosell, Raúl Suárez
    ``Task Space Vector Field Guiding for Motion Planning´´
    27th International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, ETFA'2022 Stuttgart, Germany, September 2022. (DOI 10.1109/ETFA52439.2022.9921577).

  • Raúl Suárez and Andrés Montaño
    ``Graphical visualization of contact forces and hand movements during in-hand manipualtion´´
    27th International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, ETFA'2022 Stuttgart, Germany, September 2022. (DOI 10.1109/ETFA52439.2022.9921664).

  • Oriol Ruiz, Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda, Raúl Suárez, Jan Rosell
    ``Efficient and robust trajectory generation for robotic manipulators´´
    27th International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, ETFA'2022 Stuttgart, Germany, September 2022. (DOI 10.1109/ETFA52439.2022.9921630).

  • Dominik Urbaniak, Jan Rosell, Raúl Suárez
    ``Edge Computing in Autonomous and Collaborative Assembly Lines´´
    27th International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, ETFA'2022 Stuttgart, Germany, September 2022. (DOI 10.1109/ETFA52439.2022.9921621).

  • Antonio Morales, Beatriz León, Eris Chinellato and Raúl Suárez
    ``Editorial: Current Challenges and Future Developments in Robot Grasping´´
    Frontiers in Robotics and AI, Vol. 9, art. 973208, July 2022, (Electronic ISSN 2296-9144) (DOI 10.3389/frobt.2022.973208).

  • R. Suárez, J. Rosell, M. Vinagre, F. Cortes, A. Ansuategui, I. Maurtua, D. Martin, A. Guash, J. Azpiazu, D. Serrano, N. García.
    ``Robot Operating System (ROS)´´
    Publicación de la Asociación Española de Robótica y Automatización (AER), 2022 (Resumen) (Artículo completo)

  • Hicham Touzani; Nicolas Seguy; Hicham Hadj-Abdelkader; Raul Suarez; Jan Rosell; Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda; Samia Bouchafa
    ``Efficient Industrial Solution for Robotic Task Sequencing Problem with Mutual Collision Avoidance & Cycle Time Optimization´´
    IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters , Volume: 7, Issue: 2, April 2022, pp. 2597-2604 (Electronic ISSN: 2377-3766) [JCR2022: IF 5.2, Q2 (10/30) Robotics]. (DOI 10.1109/LRA.2022.3142919).

  • A. Montaño, R. Suárez, C. Aldana, E. Nuño
    ``Bilateral telemanipulation of unknown objects using remote dexterous in-hand manipulation strategies´´
    21st IFAC World Congress, Berlin, Germany, July 2020.

  • Raúl Suárez, Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda, Jordi Martínez, Daniel Clos, Néstor García
    ``Manipulador móvil, bibrazo y diestro con nuevas ruedas omnidireccional´´
    Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática industrial (Available on-line octubre 2019) (ISSN: online 1697-7920, print 1697-7912), Volumen 17, Número 1, Enero 2020, pp. 10-21. [JCR2019: IF 1.036, Q4 (51/63) Automation and Control Systems] (DOI 10.4995/riai.2019.11422).

  • Jan Rosell, Raúl Suárez, Néstor García and Muhayy ud Din
    ``Planning Grasping Motions for Humanoid Robots´´
    International Journal of Humanoid Robotics, (ISSN: print 0219-8436, online 1793-6942), Vol. 16, No. 06, Dec. 2019 [JCR2019: IF 1.394, Q4 (23/25) Robotics]. (DOI 10.1142/S0219843619500415).

  • N. García, J. Rosell and R. Suárez
    ``Motion Planning by Demonstration with Human-Likeness Evaluation for Dual-Arm Robots´´
    IEEE Transactions on System, Man and Cybernetics: Systems. Vol. 49, Issue 11, pp. 2298-2307, Nov. 2019 (Available on-line 30/Oct/2017) (ISSN: Print 2168-2216, Online 2168-2232) [JCR2017: IF 5.135, Q1, Automation and Control Systems]. (DOI 10.1109/TSMC.2017.2756856).

  • Andrés Montaño and Raúl Suárez
    ``Dexterous Manipulation of Unknown Objects Using Virtual Contact Points´´
    Robotics. 2019, 8(4), 86 (e-ISSN: 2218-6581) [CiteScore 2019: 36/101, Q3 Control and Optimization] (DOI 10.3390/robotics8040086).

  • A. Montaño and R. Suárez
    ``Model-free in-hand manipulation based on the commanded virtual contact points´´
    24th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2019), Zaragoza, Spain, September 10-13, 2019, pp. 586-592.

  • A. Montaño y R. Suárez
    ``Herramienta para visualización gráfica de fuerzas de contacto y de movimientos de una mano robótica con sensores táctiles´´
    XL Jornadas de Automática, (ISBN: 978-84-9749-716-9), Ferrol, 4-6 de septiembre, 2019, pp. 749-755. (DOI 10.17979/spudc.9788497497169).

  • R. Suárez and J. Rosell
    ``Aspectos técnicos de los robots co-trabajadores con operadores humanos´´
    Dirección y Organización, (ISBN: print 1132-175X, on-line 2171-6323), Num. 68, 2019, pp. 85-104. (Enlace oficial).

  • A. Montaño and R. Suárez
    ``Manipulación Diestra de Objetos Desconocidos Usando Puntos de Contacto Virtuales´´
    Jornadas Nacionales de Robótica (Spanish National Robotics Conference), JNR19, ISBN: 978-84-09-12133-5 Alicante, SPAIN, June 13th-14th, 2019, pp. 221-228.

  • A. Montaño and R. Suárez
    ``Improving grasping forces during the manipulation of unknown objects´´
    IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2018), Madrid, Spain, October 1-5, 2018. (DOI 10.1109/IROS.2018.8593655).

  • N. García, R. Suárez and J. Rosell
    ``Planning Hand-Arm Grasping Motions with Human-Like Appearance´´
    IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2018), Madrid, Spain, October 1-5, 2018. (DOI 10.1109/IROS.2018.8594432).
    (Finalist for the ICROS Award to the Best Application Paper)

  • A. Montaño y R. Suárez
    ``Manipulación de objetos desconocidos analizando localmente su forma para optimizar las fuerzas de prensión´´
    XXXIX Jornadas de Automática, Badajoz, 5-7 de septiembre, 2018, pp. 276-282 (ISBN: 978-84-09-04460-3).

  • R. Suárez, L. Palomo-Avellaneda, J. Martinez, D. Clos and N. García
    ``Development of a Dexterous Dual-Arm Omnidirectional Mobile Manipulator´´
    12TH IFAC Symposium on Robot Control - SYROCO 2018 , Budapest, Hungary, August 27-30, 2018.
    IFAC-PapersOnLine (ISSN: 2405-8963) Vol. 51, num. 22, pp. 126-131 (DOI: 10.1016/j.ifacol.2018.11.529).

  • N. Garcı́a, J. Rosell and R. Suárez
    ``Modeling Human-Likeness in Approaching Motions of Dual-Arm Autonomous Robots´´
    2018 IEEE International Conference on Simulation, Modeling, and Programming for Autonomous Robots (SIMPAR), ISBN: 2978-1-5386-5973-1, Brisbane, Australia, May 16-19, 2018, pp. 43-48. (DOI 10.1109/SIMPAR.2018.8376269).

  • A. Montaño and R. Suárez
    ``Manipulation of Unknown Objects to Improve the Grasp Quality Using Tactile Information´´
    Sensors, Vol. 18 (5), Art. Number 1412, 2018 (ISSN: 1424-8220) [JCR2018: IF 3.031, Q1, Instruments and Instrumentation] (DOI 10.3390/s18051412).

  • F. Soler, A. Rojas-de-Silva and R. Suárez
    ``Grasp Quality Measures for Transferring Objects´´
    Third Iberian Robotics Conference, ROBOT'2017, Seville, Spain, November 22-24, 2017.
    Springer International Publishing AG 2018. A. Ollero et al. (eds.), ROBOT 2017: Third Iberian Robotics Conference, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 694, Vol.2, pp. 28-39. (DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-70836-2_3).

  • A. Rojas-de-Silva and R. Suárez
    ``Contact Force Computation for Bimanual Grasps´´
    22nd IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2017), Limassol, Cyprus, September 12-15, 2017. (DOI 10.1109/ETFA.2017.8247760).

  • M. Ayats y R. Suárez
    ``Diseño de una prótesis de mano adaptable al crecimiento´´
    XXXVIII Jornadas de Automática, Gijón, 6-8 de septiembre, 2017, pp. 664-671 (ISBN: 978-84-16664-74-0).

  • A. Rojas-de-Silva y R. Suárez
    ``Cálculo de fuerzas de contacto para prensiones bimanuales´´
    XXXVIII Jornadas de Automática, Gijón, 6-8 de septiembre, 2017, pp. 853-859 (ISBN: 978-84-16664-74-0).
    (Premio ROBOTNIK a la mejor comunicación/poster en el Grupo de Robótica)

  • A. Montaño and R. Suárez
    ``Robust dexterous telemanipulation following object-orientation commands´´
    Industrial Robot: the international journal of robotics research and application, Vol. 44, Issue 5, 2017, pp. 648-657 (ISSN: 0143-991X). [JCR2017: IF 1.205, Q3, Robotics]

  • R. Suárez y J. Rosell
    ``Robots autónomos diestros como co-trabajadores con operarios humanos´´
    Técnica y Tecnología - Robótica y Automatización, Vol. 55, 2017, pp. 16-22 (ISSN Print 2014-8305, Digital 2462-6090).

  • N. García, R. Suárez and J. Rosell
    ``First-Order Synergies for Motion Planning of Anthropomorphic Dual-Arm Robots´´
    20th IFAC World Congress, Toulouse, France, July 2017. (DOI 10.1016/j.ifacol.2017.08.187).
    IFAC-PapersOnLine, Volume 50, Issue 1, July 2017, Pages 2247-2254.

  • N. García, J. Rosell and R. Suárez
    ``Aplicación de algoritmos RRT en la planificación de movimientos óptimos en robótica ´´
    XII Congreso Español de Metaheurísticas, Algoritmos Evolutivos y Bioinspirados (MAEB 2017), Barcelona, 4-7 de julio 2017, ISBN: 978-84-697-4275-1, pp. 953-962.

  • N. García, R. Suárez and J. Rosell
    ``Task-Dependent Synergies for Motion Planning of an Anthropomorphic Dual-Arm System´´
    IEEE Transactions on Robotics, V. 33 (3), June 2017, ISSN: print 1552-3098 / on-line 1941-0468, pp. 756-764. [JCR2017: IF 4.264, Q1 (2/26) Robotics] (DOI 10.1109/TRO.2017.2676131).

  • R. Suárez
    ``Prensión y manipulación diestra, móvil y cooperativa´´
    Jornadas Nacionales de Robótica 2017, Valencia, 8-9 de junio, 2017 (ISBN 987-84-697-3742-2).

  • R. Suárez
    ``¿Son los robots fácilmente aceptados en la sociedad?´´
    The Economy Journal, marzo 2017.

  • A. Montaño and R. Suárez
    ``Coordination of Several Robots based on Temporal Synchronization´´
    Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing, ISSN: 0736-5845, Volume 42, December 2016, pp. 73-85. [JCR2016: IF 2.846, Q1, Robotics] (DOI 10.1016/j.rcim.2016.05.008).

  • A. Rojas-de-Silva and R. Suárez
    ``Grasping Bulky Objects with Two Anthropomorphic Hands´´
    IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2016), Daejeon, Korea, October 9-14, 2016, pp.877-884. (DOI 10.1109/IROS.2016.7759154).

  • C. Rodriguez and R. Suárez
    ``Combining Motion Planning and Task Planning for a Dual-arm System´´
    IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2016), Daejeon, Korea, October 9-14, 2016, pp.4238-4243. (DOI 10.1109/IROS.2016.7759624).

  • C. Rodriguez, A. Rojas-de-Silva and R. Suárez
    ``Dual-Arm Framework for Cooperative Applications´´
    21st IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2016), Berlin, Germany, September 6-9, 2016. (DOI 10.1109/ETFA.2016.7733704).

  • N. Alvarado and R. Suárez
    ``Grasp syntesis of 3D articulated objects with n links´´
    21st IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2016), Berlin, Germany, September 6-9, 2016. (DOI 10.1109/ETFA.2016.7733736).

  • A. Rojas-de-Silva, C. Rodriguez and R. Suárez
    ``Esquema de Integración para Experimentación Real con Sistemas Robóticos Bi-brazo´´
    XXXVII Jornadas de Automática,, ISBN: 978-84-617-4298-1, Madrid, España, Septiembre 7-9, 2016, pp. 300-308.

  • A. Montaño and Raúl Suárez
    ``Commanding the object orientation using dexterous manipulation´´
    Second Iberian Robotics Conference, ROBOT'2015, Lisbon, Portugal, November 19-21, 2015. Published In: L.P. Reis et al. (eds.), Robot 2015: Second Iberian Robotics Conference, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 418, pp.69-79. (DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-27149-1_6).

  • A. Montaño and Raúl Suárez
    ``Unknown Object Manipulation Based on Tactile Information´´
    2015 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS 2015, Hamburg, Germany, September 28 - October 02, 2015, pp. 5642-5647. (ISBN: 978-1-4799-9993-4)

  • N. García, J. Rosell and R. Suárez
    ``Motion planning using first-order synergies´´
    2015 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS 2015, Hamburg, Germany, September 28 - October 02, 2015, pp. 2058-2063. (ISBN: 978-1-4799-9993-4)

  • N. García, R. Suárez and J. Rosell
    ``HG-RRT*: Human-Guided Optimal Random Trees for Motion Planning´´
    2015 IEEE 20th International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, ETFA'15, ISBN 978-1-4673-7928-1, City of Luxembourg, Luxembourg, September 08-11, 2015. (DOI 10.1109/ETFA.2015.7301536).
    (Fumio Harashima Best Paper Award in Emerging Technologies)

  • C. Rodríguez and R. Suárez
    ``Comparison of motion planners in an environment with removable obstacles´´
    2015 IEEE 20th International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, ETFA'15, ISBN 978-1-4673-7928-1, City of Luxembourg, Luxembourg, September 08-11, 2015. (DOI 10.1109/ETFA.2015.7301516).

  • N. Alvarado y R. Suárez
    ``Síntesis de prensiones con “force-closure” para un objeto articulado 3D con 3 eslabones´´
    XXXVI Jornadas de Automática, , Bilbao, España, 2-4 de Septiembre, 2015, pp. 260-267.

  • R. Suárez , J. Rosell and N. García
    ``Using Synergies in Dual-Arm Manipulation Tasks´´
    2015 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA 2015, Seattle, Washington, USA, May 26-30, 2015, pp. 5655-5661. (DOI 10.1109/ICRA.2015.7139991).

  • N. Alvarado, R. Suárez and M. Roa
    ``Determining independent contacts regions to immobilize 2D articulated objects´´
    2015 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA 2015, Seattle, Washington, USA, May 26-30, 2015, pp. 4292-4297. (DOI 10.1109/ICRA.2015.7139791).

  • J. Rosell and R. Suárez
    ``Using hand synergies as an optimality criterion for planning human-like motions for mechanical hands´´
    2014 IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots, Humanoids 2014, Madrid, Spain, November 18-20, 2014.

  • J. Rosell and R. Suárez
    ``cRRT*: Planning loosely-coupled motions for multiple mobile robots´´
    19th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, ETFA'14, ISBN 978-1-4799-4846-8, Barcelona, Spain, September 16-19, 2014.

  • A. Montaño and R. Suárez
    ``Getting comfortable hand configurations while manipulating an object´´
    19th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, ETFA'14, ISBN 978-1-4799-4846-8, Barcelona, Spain, September 16-19, 2014.

  • C. Rodríguez, A. Montaño and R. Suárez
    ``Optimization of robot coordination using temporal synchronization´´
    19th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, ETFA'14, ISBN 978-1-4799-4846-8, Barcelona, Spain, September 16-19, 2014.

  • N. Alvarado and R. Suárez
    ``Searching force-closure optimal grasps of articulated 2D objects with n links´´
    19th IFAC World Congress, Cape Town, South Africa, August 24-29, 2014.

  • N. Alvarado and R. Suárez
    ``Grasp analysis and synthesis of 2D articulated objects with n links´´
    Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, ISSN 0736-5845, V. 31, February 2015, pp. 81-90 (available online 7 Sep. 2014) [JCR2015: IF 2.077, Q1, Robotics] (DOI 10.1016/j.rcim.2014.08.007).

  • C. Rodríguez, A. Montaño and R. Suárez
    ``Planning manipulation movements of a dual-arm system considering obstacle removing´´
    Robotics and Autonomous Systems, ISSN 0921-8890, Volume 62, Issue 12, December 2014, Pages 1816–1826 (available online 1 Aug. 2014) [JCR2014: IF 1.256, Q2, Robotics] (DOI 10.1016/j.robot.2014.07.003).

  • M. Roa and R. Suárez
    ``Grasp quality measures: review and performance´´
    Autonomous Robots, Volume 38, Issue 1, pp 65-88, January 2015, ISSN: Print 0929-5593, Online 1573-7527 (available online 31 Jul. 2014) [JCR2015: IF 1.547, Q2, Robotics] (DOI 10.1007/s10514-014-9402-3).

  • J. Rosell, R. Suárez, and A. Pérez
    Safe Teleoperation of a Dual Hand-Arm Robotic System
    ROBOT2013: First Iberian Robotics Conference, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 253, Springer 2014, ISBN: 978-3-319-03652-6, Madrid, Spain, November 28-29, 2013, pp. 615-630. (DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-03653-3_44).

  • A. Montaño and R. Suárez
    ``Object Shape Reconstruction Based on the Object Manipulation
    16th International Conference on Advanced Robotics, ICAR 2013, Montevideo, Uruguay, November 25-28, 2013. (DOI 10.1109/ICAR.2013.6766571).

  • N. Alvarado and R. Suárez
    ``Grasp Analysis and Synthesis of 2D articulated objects with 2 and 3 links´´
    18th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, ETFA'13, ISBN 978-1-4799-0862-2, DOI: 10.1109/ETFA.2013.6648034, Cagliari, Italy, September 10-13, 2013.

  • A. Montaño and R. Suárez
    ``An On-Line Coordination Algorithm for Multi-Robot Systems´´
    18th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, ETFA'13, ISBN 978-1-4799-0862-2, DOI: 10.1109/ETFA.2013.6648033, Cagliari, Italy, September 10-13, 2013.

  • C. Rodríguez, A. Montaño and R. Suárez
    ``Manipulation tasks with a dual arm system including obstacles removing´´
    18th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, ETFA'13, ISBN 978-1-4799-0862-2, DOI: 10.1109/ETFA.2013.6648033, Cagliari, Italy, September 10-13, 2013.

  • A. Montaño y R. Suárez
    Manipulación de objetos con dos dedos usando información táctil
    XXXIV Jornadas de Automática, (ISBN: 978-84-616-5063-7), Terrassa, España, 4-6 de Septiembre, 2013, pp. 618-625.
    (Premio al Mejor Trabajo en el Área de Robótica)

  • N. Alvarado y R. Suárez
    Búsqueda de prensiones con force-closure de objetos 2D articulados con 2 eslabones
    XXXIV Jornadas de Automática, (ISBN: 978-84-616-5063-7), Terrassa, España, 4-6 de Septiembre, 2013, pp. 626-633.

  • J. Rosell, R. Suárez and A. Pérez
    ``Path Planning for Grasping Operations Using an Adaptive PCA-based Sampling Method´´
    Autonomous Robots (ISSN: 0929-5593), Volume 35, Issue 1 (2013), Page 27-36 (Published on line 14 April 2013) [JCR2013: IF 1.070, Q2, Robotics] (DOI: 10.1007/s10514-013-9332-5).

  • L. Colasanto, R. Suárez, and J. Rosell
    ``Hybrid mapping for the assistance of teleoperated grasping tasks´´
    IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems (ISSN: Print 2168-2216, Electronic 2168-2232), Volume 43 , Issue 2 (2013), pp. 390-401 [JCR2013: IF 2.169, Q1, Computer Science, Cybernetics] (DOI: 10.1109/TSMCA.2012.2195309).

  • F. Gilart and R. Suárez
    Determining Force-Closure Grasps Reachable by a Given Hand
    10th IFAC Symposium on Robot Control, SYROCO, (Robot Control, Volume #10, Part #1, pp. 235-240), 2012 (DOI: 10.3182/20120905-3-HR-2030.00043), Dubrovnik, Croatia, Sep 05-07, 2012.

  • J. A. Tornero, R. Suárez, A. Montano, F. Cano, M. López
    Instrumento quirúrgico de sutura para anastomosis automática del tubo digestivo
    XXXIII Jornadas de Automática, (ISBN: 978-84-8158-583-4), Vigo, España, 5-7 de Septiembre, 2012, pp. 833-838.

  • C. Rodríguez, A. Montaño y R. Suárez
    Búsqueda de caminos libres de colisiones para un sistema bimanual considerando la eliminación de obstáculos movibles
    XXXIII Jornadas de Automática, (ISBN: 978-84-8158-583-4), Vigo, España, 5-7 de Septiembre, 2012, pp. 721-728.

  • A. Montaño y R. Suárez
    Coordinación temporal de dos robots manipuladores
    XXXIII Jornadas de Automática, (ISBN: 978-84-8158-583-4), Vigo, España, 5-7 de Septiembre, 2012, pp. 751-758.

  • C. Rosales, R. Suárez, M. Gabiccini, A. Bicchi
    On the Synthesis of Feasible and Prehensile Robotic Grasps
    2012 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA 2012, (ISBN: 978-1-61284-380-3 ), Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA, May 14-18, 2012, pp. 550-556.

  • R. Suárez y J. Rosell,
    ``Planificación de movimientos para conjuntos mano-brazo con numerosos grados de libertad´´
    ROBOT 2011 Robótica Experimental, (ISBN 978-84-615-6787-4), Sevilla, España, Noviembre 28-29, 2011, pp. 512-519.

  • R. Suárez, J. Rosell y L. Colasanto
    ``Teleoperación de manos antropomorfas´´
    ROBOT 2011 Robótica Experimental, (ISBN 978-84-615-6787-4), Sevilla, España, Noviembre 28-29, 2011, pp. 588-594.

  • J. A. Claret and R. Suárez
    ``Efficient and practical determination of grasping configurations for anthropomorphic hands´´
    18th IFAC World Congress , Milano, Italy, Aug. 28-Sep. 2, 2011, pp. 14660-14666.

  • J. Rosell, R. Suárez, C. Rosales and A. Pérez
    ``Autonomous motion planning of a hand-arm robotic system based on captured human-like hand postures´´
    Autonomous Robots (ISSN: 0929-5593), Volume 31, Issue 1 (2011), pp. 87-102 [JCR2011: IF 1.5, Q2, Robotics] (DOI: 10.1007/s10514-011-9232-5).

  • J. Rosell, R. Suárez, A. Pérez and C. Rosales
    ``Including virtual constraints in motion planning for anthropomorphic hands´´
    2011 IEEE International Symposium on Assembly and Manufacturing, ISAM 2011, Tampere, Finland, 25-27 May, 2011.

  • J. Rosell, L. Cruz, R. Suárez and A. Pérez
    `` Importance Sampling based on Adaptive Principal Component Analysis´´
    2011 IEEE International Symposium on Assembly and Manufacturing, ISAM 2011, Tampere, Finland, 25-27 May, 2011.

  • M. A. Roa and R. Suárez
    ``Influence of Contact Types and Uncertainties in the Computation of Independent Contact Regions´´
    2011 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA 2011, (ISBN: 978-1-61284-380-3 ), Shanghai, China, May 9-13, 2011, pp. 3317-3323.

  • C. Rosales, Ll. Ros, J. M. Porta and R. Suárez
    ``Synthesizing grasp configurations with specified contact regions´´
    International Journal of Robotics Research (ISSN: 0278-3649), Volume 30, Issue 4, 2011, pp. 431-443 (Published online before print July 2, 2010) [JCR2011: IF 3.107, Q1, Robotics] (DOI: 10.1177/0278364910370218).

  • M. Roa and R. Suárez
    ``Contact Trajectories for Regrasp Planning on Discrete Objects´´
    in Frontiers of Assembly and Manufacturing, (ISBN 978-3-642-14115-7), Lee, Suárez and Choi Eds., Springer, pp. 69-83, 2010.

  • J. Rosell, R. Suárez and F. Penalba
    ``Automatic Determination of Fixturing Points: Quality Analysis for Different Number of Points and Friction Values´´
    in Frontiers of Assembly and Manufacturing, (ISBN 978-3-642-14115-7), Lee, Suárez and Choi Eds., Springer, pp. 53-67, 2010.

  • J. Fortín and R. Suárez
    ``General Environment for Human Interaction with a Robot Hand-Arm System and Associate Elements´´
    15th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, ETFA 2010 , (ISBN 978-1-4244-6849-2), Bilbao, Spain, September 13-16, 2010, pp. 34-39.

  • Shao-Chun Sun, C. Rosales and R. Suárez
    ``Study of Coordinated Motions of the Human Hand for Robotic Applications ´´
    2010 IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation , ICIA 2010 , (ISBN 978-1-4244-5701-4), Harbin, Heilongjiang, China, June 20-23, 2010, pp. 776 - 781.

  • M. Roa and R. Suárez
    ``Regrasp Planning for Discrete Objects´´
    2009 IEEE International Symposium on Assembly and Manufacturing, ISAM 2009, (ISBN 978-1-4244-4628-5), Suwon, Korea, November 17-20, 2009, pp. 22-27.

  • F. Penalba, J. Rosell and R. Suárez
    ``Analysis of fixturing quality for a variable number of fixturing points and friction values´´
    2009 IEEE International Symposium on Assembly and Manufacturing, ISAM 2009, (ISBN 978-1-4244-4628-5), Suwon, Korea, November 17-20, 2009, pp. 34-39.

  • J. Bautista and R. Suárez
    ``Mixed-model sequencing problem with overload minimization considering workstations dependencies´´
    2009 IEEE International Symposium on Assembly and Manufacturing, ISAM 2009, (ISBN 978-1-4244-4628-5), Suwon, Korea, November 17-20, 2009, pp. 351-357.

  • M. Roa and R. Suárez
    ``Regrasp planning in the grasp space using independent regions´´
    2009 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS 2009, (ISBN 978-1-4244-3804-4), St. Louis, MO, USA, October 11-15, 2009, pp.1823-1829.

  • R. Suárez, J. Rosell, A. Pérez and C. Rosales
    ``Efficient search of obstacle-free paths for anthropomorphic hands´´
    2009 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS 2009, (ISBN 978-1-4244-3804-4), St. Louis, MO, USA, October 11-15, 2009, pp. 1773-1778.

  • L. Basañez and R. Suárez
    in ``Springer Handbook of Automation´´, Editor: S. Nof; Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2009 (ISBN: print 978-3-540-78830-0, online 978-3-540-78831-7), pp. 449-468. (DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-78831-7_27).

  • M. Roa and R. Suárez
    ``Computation of independent contact regions for grasping 3D objects´´
    IEEE Transactions on Robotics (ISSN: 1552-3098), Volume 25, Issue 4, Aug. 2009, Pages 839-850. [JCR2009: IF 2.035, Q1, Robotics]

  • M. Roa and R. Suárez
    ``Finding Locally Optimum Force-Closure Grasps´´
    Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing (ISSN: 0736-5845), Volume 25, Issue 3, June 2009, Pages 536-544. [JCR2009: IF 1.687, Q1, Engineering, Manufacturing]

  • J. Rosell, R. Suárez, C. Rosales, J. A. García and A. Pérez
    ``Motion planning for high DOF anthropomorphic hands´´
    2009 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA 2009, (ISBN 978-1-4244-2789-5), Kobe, Japan, May 12-17, 2009, pp. 4025-4030.

  • R. Suárez and J. A. Claret
    ``Searching a valid hand configuration to perform a given grasp´´
    Proceedings of the 40th International Symposium on Robotics, ISR'09, (ISBN 978-84-920933-8-0), Barcelona, Spain, March 10-13, 2009, pp. 151-156.

  • J. Cornellà and R. Suárez
    ``Efficient Determination of 4-Point Form-Closure Optimal Constraints of Polygonal Objects´´
    IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, (ISSN: 1545-5955), Volume 6, Issue 1, Jan. 2009, pp. 121-130. [JCR2008: IF 1.471, Q2, Automation and Control Systems]

  • R. Prado y R. Suárez
    ``Procedimiento geométrico para la síntesis automática de prensiones con equilibrio de fuerzas con cuatro dedos sobre objetos poliédricos´´
    Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informatica Industrial, RIAI (ISSN: 1697-7912), Vol. 5, Num. 4, Octubre 2008, pp. 42-53. [JCR2009: IF 0.291, Q4 (55/59) Automation and Control Systems]

  • R. Prado and R. Suárez
    ``Synthesis of grasps with four contact points including at least three force-closure grasps of three contact points´´
    2008 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS 2008, (ISBN 978-1-4244-2058-2), Nice, France, September 22-26, 2008, pp. 1771-1776.

  • M. Roa, R. Suárez and J. Rosell
    ``Grasp Space Generation Using Sampling and Computation of Independent Regions´´
    2008 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS 2008, (ISBN 978-1-4244-2058-2), Nice, France, September 22-26, 2008, pp. 2258-2263.

  • M. Roa, R. Suárez and J. Rosell
    ``Influence of the sampling strategy on the incremental generation of the grasp space´´
    Advances in mobile robotics (11th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots and the Support Technologies for Mobile Machines, CLAWAR 2008), L. Marques, A. de almeida, M.O. Tokhi, G.S. Virk Editors, (ISBN-13 978-981-283-576-5), World Scientific Pub., Coimbra, Portugal, September 8?10, 2008, pp. 812-819.

  • J. Cornellà, R. Suárez, R. Carloni and C. Melchiorri
    ``Dual Programming Based Approach for Optimal Grasping Force Distribution´´
    Mechatronics (ISSN: 0957-4158) Vol. 18, No. 7, September 2008, pp. 348?356 (Available online 8 November 2007). [JCR2008: IF 1.434, Q1, Engineering, Mechanical]

  • M. Roa and R. Suárez
    ``Determining Fixturing Points for Complex Objects´´
    17th IFAC World Congress, Seoul, Korea, July 6-11, 2008, pp. 12709-12714.

  • P. Grosch, R. Suárez, R. Carloni and C. Melchiorri
    ``Planning setpoints for contact force transitions in regrasp tasks of 3D objects´´
    17th IFAC World Congress, Seoul, Korea, July 6-11, 2008, pp. 6776-6781.

  • C. Rosales, J. M. Porta, R. Suárez and Ll. Ros
    ``Finding All Valid Hand Configurations for a Given Precision Grasp´´
    2008 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA 2008, (ISBN 978-1-4244-1647-9) Pasadena, California, USA, May 19-23, 2008, pp. 1634-1640.

  • M. Roa and R. Suárez
    ``Independent contact regions for frictional grasps on 3D objects´´
    2008 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA 2008, (ISBN 978-1-4244-1647-9) Pasadena, California, USA, May 19-23, 2008, pp. 1622-1627.

  • M. Roa, R. Suárez and J. Cornellà
    ``Medidas de calidad para la prensión de objetos´´
    Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informatica Industrial, RIAI (ISSN: 1697-7912), Vol. 5, Num. 1, Enero 2008, pp. 66-82. [JCR2009: IF 0.291, Q4 (55/59) Automation and Control Systems]

  • M. Roa and R. Suárez
    ``Geometrical Approach for Grasp Synthesis on Discretized 3D Objects´´
    2007 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS 2007, (ISBN 1-4244-0912-8), San Diego, California, USA, Oct.29-Nov.2, 2007, pp.3283-3288.

  • R. Suárez
    ``Prensión de objetos en robótica´´
    I Workshop Español de Robótica, ROBOT 2007, Parte del II Congreso Español de Informática, CEDI 2007, Zaragoza, Septiembre 11-14, 2007.

  • R. Suárez and J. Rosell
    ``Searching Form-Closure Fixturing Points on Objects Described by Triangular Meshes´´
    2007 IEEE International Symposium Conference on Assembly and Manufacturing, ISAM'2007, (ISBN 1-4244-0563-7), Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA, July 22-25, 2007, pp.7-12.

  • M. Roa and R. Suárez
    ``Determination of Independent Contact Regions on Discretized 3D Objects´´
    2007 IEEE International Symposium Conference on Assembly and Manufacturing, ISAM'2007, (ISBN 1-4244-0563-7), Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA, July 22-25, 2007, pp.191-196

  • J. Cornellà and R. Suárez
    ``A New Framework for Planning Three-Finger Grasps of 2D Irregular Objects´´
    Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS'2006, (ISBN 1-4244-0259-X), Beijing, China, October 10-13, 2006, pp.5688-5694.

  • J. Cornellà , R. Suárez, R. Carloni and C. Melchiorri
    ``Grasping Force Optimization Using Dual Methods´´
    8th IFAC Symposium on Robot Control, SYROCO 2006, Bologna, Italy, September 6-8, 2006.

  • R. Prado and R. Suárez
    ``Grasp Planning with Four Frictional Contacts on Polyhedral Objects´´
    8th IFAC Symposium on Robot Control, SYROCO 2006, Bologna, Italy, September 6-8, 2006.

  • R. Suárez and G. Färber
    ``Wrist-Position Parameterization for Fast On-Line Determination of Grasp Configurations´´
    8th IFAC Symposium on Robot Control, SYROCO 2006, Bologna, Italy, September 6-8, 2006.

  • R. Suárez
    ``Métodos y algoritmos para la prensión de objetos mediante robots: manipulación diestra y aplicaciones industriales´´
    Recerca en Automàtica, Visió i Robòtica, AVR 2006, (ISBN 84-7653-885-5), Barcelona, Julio 2006, pp.294-298.

  • M. Roa and R. Suárez
    ``Síntesis de prensiones para objetos tridimensionales complejos´´
    Recerca en Automàtica, Visió i Robòtica, AVR 2006, (ISBN 84-7653-885-5), Barcelona, Julio 2006, pp.249-256.

  • R. Prado and R. Suárez
    ``Síntesis de prensiones con cuatro puntos de contacto incluyendo al menos tres prensiones con equilibrio de fuerzas con tres puntos contacto cada una´´
    Recerca en Automàtica, Visió i Robòtica, AVR 2006, (ISBN 84-7653-885-5), Barcelona, Julio 2006, pp.226-232.

  • J. Cornellà and R. Suárez
    ``Determining Independent Grasp Regions on 2D Discrete Objects´´
    18th IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS'2005, (ISBN 0-7803-8913-1), Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, August 2-6, 2005, pp.2936-2941.

  • R. Prado and R. Suárez
    ``Heuristic Grasp Planning with Three Frictional Contacts on Two or Three Faces of a Polyhedron´´
    Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE International Symposium on Assembly and Task Planning, ISATP 2005, (ISBN 0-7803-9080-6), Montreal, Canada, July 19-21, 2005.

  • J. Cornellà and R. Suárez
    ``On Computing Form-Closure Grasps/Fixtures for Non-Polygonal Objects´´
    Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE International Symposium on Assembly and Task Planning, ISATP 2005, (ISBN 0-7803-9080-6), Montreal, Canada, July 19-21, 2005.

  • J. Rosell, L. Basañez and R. Suárez
    ``Predicting Planar Motion Behaviour under Contact Uncertainty´´
    Advanced Robotics (ISSN:0169-1864), Special issue on ``Compliant Motion: Modeling, Planning and Control´´, Vol. 19, No. 5, June 2005, pp. 567?590. [JCR2005: IF 0.737, Q3, Robotics]

  • R. Suárez and Jan Rosell
    ``Feeding sequence selection in a manufacturing cell with four parallel machines´´
    Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing (ISSN: 0736-5845). Vol. 21, Issue 3, June 2005, pp. 185-195. [JCR2005: IF 1.371, Q1, Engineering, Manufacturing]

  • J. Cornellà and R. Suárez
    ``Fast and flexible determination of force-closure independent regions to grasp polygonal objects´´
    Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA 2005, (ISBN 0-7803-8915-8), Barcelona, Spain, April 18-22, 2005, pp.778-783.

  • J. Rosell, X. Sierra, L. Palomo and R. Suárez
    ``Finding Grasping Configurations of a Dexterous Hand and an Industrial Robot´´
    Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA 2005, (ISBN ISBN 0-7803-8915-8), Barcelona, Spain, April 18-22, 2005, pp. 1190-1195.

  • R. Suárez and P. Grosch
    ``Mechanical hand MA-I as experimental system for grasping and manipulation´´ [ .MP4 ] [ .SWF ]
    VideoProceedings of the 2005 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA 2005, (ISBN 0-7803-8915-8), Barcelona, Spain, April 18-22, 2005.

  • J. Cornellà and R. Suárez
    ``Computation of Force-Closure Independent Regions through Grasp Decomposition´´
    Intelligent Manipulation and Grasping International Conference, IMG'04, (ISBN 88-900426-1-3), Genova, Italy, July 1-2, 2004, pp. 97-102.

  • R. Suárez and P. Grosch
    ``Dexterous Robotic Hand MA-I, Sofware and Hardware Architecture´´
    Intelligent Manipulation and Grasping International Conference, IMG'04, (ISBN 88-900426-1-3), Genova, Italy, July 1-2, 2004, pp. 91-96.

  • G. Färber y R. Suárez
    ``Determinación de una configuración óptima de una mano mecánica para la prensión de un paralepipedo rectangular´´
    1ª Jornada de Recerca en Automàtica, Visió i Robòtica, AVR'2004, (libro ISBN 84-7653-844-8, CD ISBN 84-7653-845-6), Barcelona, 3-4 de febrero de 2004, pp.249-255.

  • J. Cornellà y R. Suárez
    ``Síntesis de prensiones óptimas de objetos poligonales mediante cuatro dedos sin fricción´´
    1ª Jornada de Recerca en Automàtica, Visió i Robòtica, AVR'2004, (libro ISBN 84-7653-844-8, CD ISBN 84-7653-845-6), Barcelona, 3-4 de febrero de 2004, pp.269-276.

  • R. Prado y R. Suárez
    ``Determinación de prensiones con equilibrio de fuerzas con cuatro puntos de contacto en objetos poliédricos´´
    1ª Jornada de Recerca en Automàtica, Visió i Robòtica, AVR'2004, (libro ISBN 84-7653-844-8, CD ISBN 84-7653-845-6), Barcelona, 3-4 de febrero de 2004, pp.277-283.

  • X. Sierra, L. Palomo, J. Rosell y R. Suárez
    ``Simulador cinemàtic per a l'aprehensió destra d'objectes´´
    1ª Jornada de Recerca en Automàtica, Visió i Robòtica, AVR'2004, (libro ISBN 84-7653-844-8, CD ISBN 84-7653-845-6), Barcelona, 3-4 de febrero de 2004, pp.291-298.

  • P. Grosch y R. Suárez
    ``Modelado y control de una mano mecánica´´
    1ª Jornada de Recerca en Automàtica, Visió i Robòtica, AVR'2004, (libro ISBN 84-7653-844-8, CD ISBN 84-7653-845-6), Barcelona, 3-4 de febrero de 2004, pp.299-306.

  • J. Cornellà and R. Suárez
    ``On 2D 4-finger frictionless optimal grasps´´
    16th IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS'2003, (libro ISBN 0-7803-7-860-1, CD ISBN 0-7803-7861-X) Las Vegas, CA, USA, October 27-31, 2003, vol. 3, pp. 3680-3685. (PostScript)

  • J. Cornellà and R. Suárez
    ``Aprehensión óptima de objetos 2D mediante cuatro dedos sin fricción: análisis y aplicación´´
    XXIV Jornadas de Automática, CEA-IFAC, (ISBN 84-931846-7-5), León, 10-12 de Septiembre , 2003. (PostScript)

  • R. Suárez y P. Grosch
    ``Mano mecánica MA-I´´
    XXIV Jornadas de Automática, CEA-IFAC, (ISBN 84-931846-7-5), León, 10-12 de Septiembre , 2003.
    (Premio al Mejor Trabajo en el Área de Robótica)

  • R. Prado y R. Suárez
    ``Heuristic approach to construct 3-finger force-closure grasps for polyhedral objects´´
    Preprints of the 7th IFAC Symposium on Robot Control, SYROCO'2003, Wroclaw, Polonia, Septiembre 1-3, 2003, pp.387-392.

  • R. Suárez, Israel Vazquez y J.M. Ramírez
    ``Planning Four Grasping Points from Images of Planar Objects´´
    Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE International Symposium on Assembly and Task Planning, ISATP2003, (ISBN 0-7803-7770-2), Besançon, France, July 10-11, 2003, pp.169-174.

  • R. Suárez, J. Rosell, M. Tuset and R. Pérez
    ``Feeding-Sequence Selection Using Linear Discriminants in a Parallel-Machine Manufacturing Cell´´
    Preprints of the 15th Triennial World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control, IFAC b'02, Barcelona, Spain, July 21-26, 2002. Also in Proceedings of the 15th IFAC World Congress, Volumen A Manufacturing Systems, (ISBN 0-08-044216-1), Elsevier, 2003 (PostScript)

  • J. Rosell, R. Suárez and L. Basañez
    ``Path Validation in Constrained Motion with Uncertianty´´
    Proceedings of the 14th IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS'01, (ISBN 0-7803-6612-3), Maui, Hawaii, USA, October 29 - November 3, 2001, pp. 2270-2275. (PostScript)

  • Suárez, J. M. Ramírez e I. Vázquez
    ``Obtención de puntos de aprehensión 2D a partir de imágenes de un objeto´´
    XXII Jornadas de Automática, (ISBN 84-699-4593-9), Bellaterra, España, 12-14 de septiembre, 2001.

  • R. Prado y R. Suárez,
    ``Método heurístico para la construcción de prensiones con equilibrio de fuerza en objetos poliédricos´´
    XXII Jornadas de Automática, (ISBN 84-699-4593-9), Bellaterra, España, 12-14 de septiembre, 2001.

  • R. Suárez
    ``Doctoral Program on 'Advanced Automation and Robotics': presentation, recent experience and trends´´
    1st Workshop on Robotics Education and Training, RET'01, (ISBN 84-7653-781-6), Weingarten, Germany, July 21, 2001, pp. 119-126.

  • R. Suárez and J. Rosell
    ``Looking for Optimum Feeding Sequences in a Manufacturing Cell with Four Parallel Machines´´
    Proceedings of the 2001 IEEE International Symposium on Assembly and Task Planning, ISATP2001, (ISBN 0-7803-7004-X), Fukuoka, Japan, May 28-29, 2001, pp. 256-261. (PostScript)

  • J. Rosell, L. Basañez and R. Suárez
    ``Contact Identification for Robotic Assembly Tasks with Uncertainty´´
    Preprints of the 6th IFAC Symposium on Robot Control, SYROCO'2000, Vienna, Austria, September 21-23, 2000, Vol. II, pp. 415-420 (also in Robot Control, ISBN 0080435610, Pergamon, 2001) (PostScript)

  • G. Raush and R. Suárez
    ``Real-time Coordination of Multiple Robots with Temporal Uncertainty in the Task Execution´´
    Preprints of the 6th IFAC Symposium on Robot Control, SYROCO'2000, Vienna, Austria, September 21-23, 2000, Vol. II, pp. 633-638 (also in Robot Control, ISBN 0080435610, Pergamon, 2001). (PostScript)

  • E. Todt, G. Raush and R. Suárez
    ``Analysis and Classification of Multiple Robot Coordination Methods´´
    Proceedings of the 2000 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA 2000, (ISBN 0-7803-5889-9), San Francisco, CA, USA, April 24-28, 2000, pp. 3158-3163. (PostScript)

  • J. Bautista, R. Suárez, M. Mateo and R.Companys
    ``Local Search Heuristics for the Assembly Line Balancing Problem with Incompatibilities Between Tasks´´
    Proceedings of the 2000 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA 2000, (ISBN 0-7803-5889-9), San Francisco, CA, USA, April 24-28, 2000, pp. 2404-2409. (PostScript)

  • R. Suárez
    ``Programación, planificación y control en robótica´´
    I Encuentro Nacional de Robótica y Manufactura Flexible, Barranquilla, Colombia, 11 al 13 de noviembre de 1999. (PostScript)

  • J. Bautista, R. Suárez, M. Mateo y A. Lusa
    ``Un algorisme genètic en l?espai d?heurístiques per a cèl·lules de muntatge amb recursos limitats´´
    2n Congres Catala d?Intel.ligencia Artificial, CCIA?99, Bulletí de la ACIA, Num. 18-19, pp. 232-238, Girona, Espanya, 25-27 d'octubre de 1999. (PostScript)

  • J. Bautista, R. Suárez, M. Mateo y A. Lusa
    ``Secuenciación de tareas de ensamblado con recursos limitados mediante algoritmos de exploración de entornos´´
    Actas del 6to Congreso de la Asociación Española de Robótica y Automatización Tecnologías de la Producción, AER-ATP'99, Barcelona, España, 20-22 de octubre de 1999. (PostScript)

  • G. Raush, E. Todt y R. Suárez
    ``Clasificación y análisis de los métodos de coordinación de múltiples robots´´
    Actas del 6to Congreso de la Asociación Española de Robótica y Automatización Tecnologías de la Producción, AER-ATP'99, Barcelona, España, 20-22 de octubre de 1999. (PostScript)

  • G. Raush, y R. Suárez
    ``Coordinación de múltiples robots que ejecutan tareas con incertidumbre temporal´´
    Actas del 6to Congreso de la Asociación Española de Robótica y Automatización Tecnologías de la Producción, AER-ATP'99, Barcelona, España, 20-22 de octubre de 1999. (PostScript)

  • J. Bautista, A. Lusa, R. Suárez, M. Mateo, R. Pastor and A. Corominas
    ``Application of Genetic Algorithms to Assembly Sequence Planning with Limited Resources´´
    Proceedings of the 1999 IEEE International Symposium on Assembly and Task Planning, ISATP'99, (ISBN 0-7803-5704-3), Porto, Portugal, July 21-24, 1999, pp. 411-416. (PostScript)

  • J. Rosell, L. Basañez and R. Suárez
    ``Improving the Performance of Compliant Motions by On-line Geometric Uncertainty Reduction´´
    Proceedings of the 1999 IEEE International Symposium on Assembly and Task Planning, ISATP'99, (ISBN 0-7803-5704-3), Porto, Portugal, July 21-24, 1999, pp. 169-174. (PostScript)

  • R. Suárez, L. Basañez and J. Rosell
    ``Contact Estimation for Compliant Motion Control´´
    in Making Robots Smarter: Combining Sensing and Action through Robot Learning, edited by K. Morik, M. Kaiser and V. Klingspor, Kluwer Academic Publishers (ISBN 0-7923-8562-4), Boston, MA, June 1999, Chapter 5, pp. 65-84.

  • J. Rosell, L. Basañez and R. Suárez
    ``Compliant-motion Planning and Execution for Robotic Assembly´´
    Proceedings of the 1999 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA'99, (ISBN: 0-7803-5183-5), Detroit, Michigan, USA, May 10-15, 1999, pp. 2774-2779. (PostScript)

  • R. Suárez, C. Yi and S. Lee
    ``Assembly Cost Evaluation Based on Necessary Adjustments due to Tolerances´´
    Proceedings of the 10th IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS'97, (ISBN 0-7803-0123-4), Grenoble, France, September 1997, pp. 648-653. (PostScript)

  • J. Rosell, L. Basañez and R. Suárez
    ``Determining Compliant Motions for Planar Assembly Tasks in the Presence of Friction´´
    Proceedings of the 10th IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS'97, (ISBN 0-7803-0123-4), Grenoble, France, September 1997, pp. 946-951. (PostScript)

  • R. Suárez, L. Basañez and D. Colomés
    ``Modelado y simulación de movimientos con acomodación en robótica´´
    5to. Congreso de la Asociación Española de Robótica y Automatización Tecnologías de la Producción, Bilbao, España, Septiembre 1997, pp. 195-208. (PostScript)

  • R. Suárez and S. Lee
    ``The Concept of `Difficulty' in Mating Operations´´
    Proceedings of the 1997 IEEE International Symposium on Assembly and Task Planning, ISATP'97, (ISBN 0-7803-3820-0), Marina del Rey, CA, USA, August 1997, pp. 176-181. (PostScript)

  • S. Lee, C. Yi and R. Suárez
    ``Assemblability Analysis with Adjusting Cost Evaluation based on Tolerance and Adjustability´´
    Proceedings of the 1997 IEEE International Symposium on Assembly and Task Planning, ISATP'97, (ISBN 0-7803-3820-0), Marina del Rey, CA, USA, August 1997, pp. 103-108. (PostScript)

  • R. Suárez and S. Lee
    ``Towards a Standardized Cost Measure of Assembly Operations´´
    Proceedings of the 1997 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA'97, (ISBN 0-7803-3904-5), Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, April 1997, pp. 620-625. (PostScript)

  • J. Rosell, L. Basañez and R. Suárez
    ``Embeding Rotations in Translational Configuration Space´´
    Proceedings of the 1997 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA'97, (ISBN 0-7803-3904-5) Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, April 1997, pp. 2825-2830. (PostScript)

  • L. Basañez, R. Suárez, and J. Rosell
    ``Contact Situations from Observed Reaction Forces in Assembly with Uncertainty´´
    Proceedings of 13th IFAC World Congress, (Pergamon, ISBN 0-08-042605-0), San Francisco, California, USA, July 1996, Vol. A, pp. 331-336. (PostScript)

  • R. Costa, L. Basañez y R. Suárez
    ``Planificación y control en entornos multi-robot´´
    Actas del 4to. Congreso de la Asociación Española de Robótica y Automatización Tecnologías de la Producción, Zaragoza, España, octubre de 1995, pag. 123-131. (PostScript)

  • R. Costa, R. Suárez y L. Basañez
    ``Control deslizante de la posición de un objeto manipulado cooperativamente por varios robots´´
    Memoria Técnica del Seminario Anual de Automática y Electrónica Industrial de 1995, SAAEI'95, (ISBN: 84-605-4315-3), Tarragona, España, septiembre de 1995, pag. 447-450. (PostScript)

  • R. Suárez, L. Basañez, M. Nuttin, H. Van Brussel, and J. Rosell
    ``Learning versus Analytical Approach to Contact Estimation in Assembly Tasks with Robots´´
    Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Advanced Robotics, ICAR'95, (UPC, ISBN 84-7653-576-7), Sant Feliu de Guixols, España, septiembre de 1995, pag. 769-775. (PostScript)

  • R. Suárez, L. Basañez, and J. Rosell
    ``Using Configuration and Force Sensing in Assembly Task Planning and Execution´´
    Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Assembly and Task Planning, ISATP'95, (IEEE Pres., ISBN 0-8186-6995-0), Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, EEUU, August 1995, pag. 273-279. (PostScript)
    (Best Paper Award)

  • M. Nuttin, J. Rosell, R. Suárez, H. Van Brussel, L. Basañez and J. Hao
    ``Learning Approaches to Contact Estimation in Assembly Tasks with Robots´´
    MLnet Familiarization Workshop and Third European Workshop on Learning Robots, Heraklion, Crete, Grecia, abril de 1995. (PostScript)

  • R. Suárez, L. Basañez and J. Rosell
    ``Assembly Contact Force Domains in the Presence of Uncertainty´´
    Proceedings of the Fourth IFAC Symposium on Robot Control, SYROCO'94, (Pergamon Press/Elsevier ISBN 0-08-042227-6) pag. 653-659, Capri, Italia, septiembre de 1994. (PostScript)

  • M. Kaiser, L. Camarinha-Matos, A. Giordana, V. Klingspor, J. Millán, F. De Natale, M. Nuttin and R. Suárez
    ``Robot Learning - Three case studies in Robotics and Machine Learning´´
    Technology Transfer Workshop on Industrial Vision & Autonomous Robots \& Medical Imaging, IVAR'94, pag. 4/1-4/38, Leuven, Bélgica, junio de 1994. (PostScript)

  • R. Suárez y L. Basañez
    ``Fine Motion Planning in the Presence of Uncertainty´´
    Proceedings of the Second European Workshop on Learning Robots, pag. 143-164, Torino, Italia, octubre de 1993.

  • L. Basañez y R. Suárez
    ``Illustrating an Automatic Planner for Robotic Assembly Task´´
    Proceedings 23rd International Symposium on Industrial Robots, ISIR'92, (AER, ISBN 84-604-3652-7), pag. 645-651, Barcelona, España, octubre de 1992.

  • R. Suárez y L. Basañez
    ``Assembly with robots in presence of uncertainty´´
    Proceedings 22nd International Symposium on Industrial Robots, ISIR'91, pag. 19/1--19/15, Detroit, EEUU, octubre de 1991.

  • R. Suárez y L. Basañez
    ``Robotics and artificial percepcion in the leather industry: possibilities and areas of application´´
    XXI IULTCS Congress: Advanced Topics on Leather Technology, Barcelona, España, septiembre de 1991, IULTCS, ISBN 84-604-0107-3, Vol.1, pag. 461-480.

  • L. Basañez y R. Suárez
    ``Uncertainty modelling in configuration space for robotic motion planning´´
    Proceedings of the IFAC/IFIP/IMACS Symposium on Robot Control, SYROCO'91, Viena, Austria, septiembre de 1991, Pergamon Press, ISBN 0-08-041276-9, Oxford 1992, pag. 247-252.

  • R. Suárez y L. Basañez
    ``Automatic fine-motion planning based on position/force states´´
    Proceedings of the IFAC/IFORS/IMACS/IFORS 6to. Symp. on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing Technology, INCOM'89, Madrid, España, septiembre de 1989, Pergamon Press, ISBN 0-08-037023-3, London 1990, pag. 301-307.

  • R. Suárez
    Análisis de los libros (Ed. A. Pugh, IFS and Springer Velarg):
    Robot Sensors: Vol. 1 Vision
    Robot Sensors: Vol. 2 Tactile and Non-vision
    Automática e Instrumentación, Num.192, pag.212-213, junio de 1989.

  • R. Suárez
    ``Métodos para obtener información 3D mediante visión artificial´´
    Revista Española de Electrónica, Num. 413, pag. 42-47, abril de 1989.

  • R. Suárez
    ``Control de Fuerza en Robótica´´
    Automática e Instrumentación, Num.185, pag.221-235, nov. de 1988.

  • J. Quevedo, R. Ferreiro, P. Laguna, J. Roca, R. Suárez, y A. Torralba
    ``Prueba Experimental de dos Controladores Adaptativos Industriales´´
    Automática e Instrumentación, Num.178, pag. 173-179, marzo de 1988.

  • R. Suárez
    ``Medición de distancias mediante el uso de láser en robótica´´
    Revista Española de Electrónica, Num. 400, pag.42-48, marzo de 1988.

  • B. Kuchen, R. Suárez, R. Fullana y M. Martin
    ``Robótica Industrial: Tendencias, Desarrollos e Investigación´´
    De la Investigación a la producción en Electrónica e Informática, PNIE-SECYT, Mar del Plata Argentina, noviembre de 1987 (Reimpreso en 3 partes en la revista Tecnología Electrónica).

  • L. Basañez y R. Suárez
    ``Control de Robots con Acomodación Activa´´
    Revista de Robótica, Num.17, pag. 59-69, enero-febrero de 1986.

  • R. Suárez
    ``Interfase para manejo de Graficador Analógico con Microcomputador (Hardware y Software)´´
    Publicación del Instituto de Automática (UNSJ), 123 páginas, 1984.

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