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Research Project

Grasping and repositioning of objects using anthropomorphic dexterous manipulation: analytic and learning approaches (PROA )

TITLE: Grasping and repositioning of objects using anthropomorphic dexterous manipulation: analytic and learning approaches

Acronym: PROA


PERIOD: 2007-2010

PROJECT LEADER: Raúl Suárez Feijóo

Email:  raul.suarez@upc.edu
Phone: +34-934016548/6654

CENTER:Institut de Organització i Control de Sistemes Industrials (IOC)
                Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)

KEYWORDS: robotics, grasping, manipulation, dexterous mechanical hands, anthropomorphic hands, teleoperation

In the current state of robotics, a problem that still requires substantial improvements is the grasping and repositioning of objects with an adequate degree of dexterity and security. In highly structure industrial environments, this problem is minimized by using very specific grippers with very simple operation, so they have a very reduced versatility, but in several applications, and more specially in the service robotics currently on the increase, the problem is far from being satisfactorily solved and becomes a large limitation. Since it is necessary to work with a number of different objects, the need of versatile grippers becomes evident, changing the problem into how to program and perform grasps and dexterous manipulations of an object in an autonomous way. Although with some limitations, some approaches to perform precise grasps have been already proposed (the own work group have some contributions in this line as result of previous projects), but the problem of grasping and object and repositioning it with the hand (fingers) movements is still quite open. In this context, the objective of this project is the proposal of new approaches and the development of new algorithms to perform the grasp and subsequent repositioning of an object using the finger movements as the human being does it, so the emphasis is placed in the use of an anthropomorphic grasping device and in the use of techniques that allow the extraction of the necessary information from human demonstrations, in order to mimic the tasks with a robot equipped with a mechanical hand.

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